Unlimited: At Just the Right Time

Sep 1, 2022 967

Unlimited: At Just the Right Time

You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless (Romans 5:6a)

I’m not very good with time, but thank God that he always has the best timing!

In this verse, Paul is referring to the time when Christ appeared for our salvation. The idea of this verse is that Jesus came to rescue us at precisely the right time, just like when a fireman runs into a burning house and snatches up a child to safety as the house starts to collapse around them. As the apostle writes in Galatians,

But when the right time came, God sent his Son… (Gal. 4:4, NLT.)

Jesus came to rescue us at precisely the right time.

“[T]he right time” when Jesus came to rescue us, was “just in time.” It was when, as Paul says, “we were… powerless.” More than that, Jesus rescued us when we were still powerless. Paul means “powerless” against sin. The addition of the word “still” emphasizes that we had no reason or merit for him to rescue us, and we could do nothing to rescue ourselves or even to help Christ rescue us. We were powerless. That’s when Jesus came to us.

All of this emphasizes that we have nothing at all with which to commend ourselves before God. Our salvation is all of grace. Our standing before him today is all of grace. Christ saved us though he owed us nothing. Therefore, we owe Christ everything.

Spiritual Application

The Cross shows us that God always sends us help and guidance just in time. And he continues to do so throughout our lives. Can you think of a time in your life when God has done just that? Who can you share this with who needs to hear your experience?

Eliezer Gonzalez

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