What Should Be Your Greatest Ambition
- Christian Living
- Christianity
- Dr Eliezer Gonzalez
- Faith
- Gospel
- Jesus
- Kingdom of God
- New Testament
- Salvation
Oct 9, 2017 3313
What is your greatest ambition? When I was a teenager, my ambition was to have a body that rippled with muscle, and a lovely six-pack to match. That was before I realised that I was much better at working out with my brain than my body!
Then for a while, it was my ambition to study medicine and become a famous doctor and discover the cure for cancer and other horrible diseases. And then I realised that I wasn’t very good at science.
After that, I decided that my ambition would be to become filthy rich. I invested, and lost, more money than I want to think about on the stock exchange. I’ve realised that I’m much better at spending money than making it.
But now, I’ve discovered the greatest ambition of all! It’s ambition that is within the reach of all of us.
It’s the ambition that Paul expresses in Romans 15:20:
It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known (NIV).
I’ve discovered the greatest ambition of all!
I used to think that was unique to Paul, because he was an apostle and a preacher, but now I realise that it must be the greatest and all-consuming ambition of every follower of Jesus Christ! You don’t have to jump on a plane and go and preach where people have never heard of Christianity. Most people you associate with every day, maybe even your family, have the wrong idea about God, about how good he is, and about what he has done to save them. They need to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
And preaching isn’t just done with words. You preach with how you prioritise the resources that God has given you in your life: your energy, talents, your relationships, and the money that God has entrusted into your care so that the Gospel may be shared.
The Greatest Ambition You Could Ever Have is to Preach the Gospel Where Christ Is Not Known
Not everyone has the gift of preaching, or can be a missionary to the ends of the earth. But anyone who seeks first the kingdom of God will know that preaching it not just about words. It’s all about what others see that you put first in your life. When you have an impact, in one way or another, your life will certainly make an impact for Jesus where he isn’t yet known.
When you make it your ambition to preach the Gospel where Christ is not known, that’s the greatest ambition you can ever have. It’s the most fulfilling ambition, one that will satisfy you for all eternity!
Make Paul’s ambition your ambition: to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ where he is not known. There’s nothing greater that you could ever achieve in this life!
– Eliezer Gonzalez
Mar 5, 2022
Hinestly speaking i believe this is a vision (message) meant for me...while geowing up my greatest bition was to become a successful soccer player but having grown to know christ well now.....my greatest is to become a vessel of glory to God...