Unlimited: Patience in Affliction

Aug 1, 2023 946

Unlimited: Patience in Affliction

…patient in affliction (Romans 12:12b)

Paul states as a “given” what many followers of Christ strive to avoid: that we will all suffer affliction.

There are many people who become Christians specifically for the purpose of avoiding affliction. And when they have become Christians, their most fervent prayers are that affliction may not come to them. This demonstrates that they have neither understood what it means to follow Jesus, nor the Gospel.

Jesus promised us that we would have affliction when we choose to follow him. He said,

…in this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world (John 16:33.)

To be patient in affliction means to hold firmly onto our faith in Christ, enduring and bravely bearing the trials and ill treatment that will come.

This is many people’s least favourite promise of Christ, that they will have trouble. Paul also knows this. That’s why he states as a “given” that followers of Christ will all suffer affliction.

Affliction comes to us in many forms. Jesus himself was “afflicted” (Isa. 53:4) and he said to us,

Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also (John 15:20.)

To be patient in affliction means to not shrink back or flee while under affliction, but to hold firmly onto our faith in Christ, enduring and bravely bearing the trials and ill treatment that will come.

Spiritual Application

While life can be filled with much happiness and joy, it is also often marked by affliction of some kind of another. What affliction are you experiencing right now? How patient are you in the midst of your affliction?

Eliezer Gonzalez

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