Bargaining With God

Jun 8, 2017 1969

Radio Version:

Bargaining With God

I had a really interesting 40th birthday! It was a freezing December day, and I was in Shanghai, on day off during a business trip. I spent the whole day in the Shanghai markets, having fun bargaining with the stallholders.

I shopped until the sun was going down, and it was so cold that I was starting to turn blue and I couldn’t move my fingers any more.

We’ve all heard a story about someone, somewhere, who makes a bargain with God. Actually, people do it all the time, along the lines of, “If you promise to bless me, then I’ll do this for you.”

It’s dangerous to think of God as some kind of cosmic waiter, and that if you tip him something now and then, he’ll give you what you want. A right relationship with God is simply based on the fact that he loved us first. No bargaining, and no tipping required!

Eliezer Gonzalez

Bargaining With God

There is no point in bargaining with God.

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