Jump for Joy!

Jun 8, 2017 2404

Radio Version:

Jump for Joy!

One of the happiest days of my life was when my wife told me that she was pregnant with our first child. I’d just come home from work, and she had put a pair of baby booties on our bed. I saw them and I asked her who she was buying baby presents for. When she said it was for us, I jumped for joy – so high that I almost smashed a hole in the ceiling with my fist. And I’m only a short guy!

The Bible tells us to:

…be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead.

The original word here literally means “jump for joy.”

Jesus said that he came so that we may have “life to the full.”

That means that if Jesus is your Saviour, then however good it may be now, it’s only going to get better! Ummm… Excuse me. I’ve gotta stand up. I just have to jump for joy!

Eliezer Gonzalez

Jump for Joy!

If Jesus is your Saviour, then however good it may be now, it’s only going to get better.

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