Unlimited: Do Not Curse

Aug 8, 2023 640

Unlimited: Do Not Curse

bless and do not curse (Romans 12:14b).

It is generally so easy and natural for us to curse others, however it takes intentional effort to bless.

What does it mean to curse another? Paul writes this specifically in terms of being persecuted and cursed for the cause of Christ, however, more broadly Jesus taught,

You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘You shall not murder… But I tell you that… anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell (Matthew 5:21–22).

In Romans 12:14, however, Paul writes this in the context of blessing, and not cursing, those who persecute us. We are reminded of Jesus at Calvary when he gave us, his persecutors, the greatest blessing:

Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing (Luke 23:34.)

It is generally so easy and natural for us to curse others, however it takes intentional effort to bless.

All of the hosts of hell were there at the Cross as the Lord Jesus struggled with the sin of the world. They were watching to see if for the most fleeting moment, the Lord would surrender. Would his eyes narrow in anger at those whose sins he bore? Would his lips curl in hatred?

All they saw was the strength of compassion and love. Through forgiveness, Jesus brought the blessing of salvation into the world, and won the victory.

Spiritual Application

How easy it is for you to bless those who hate and despise you? Is this an aspect of your life in which you need help?

Eliezer Gonzalez

Help Spread the Good News


Nov 10, 2023


Olivia Jeter

Aug 10, 2023

I truly pray and hope that the Lord will forgive me at the time my spouse was having a stroke it's like I froze and panic 😭 I didn't realize he was having a stroke that never cross my mind that morning every day my heart hurts but I truly thanks 🙏 Jesus Christ for who he is the gift of life love peaceful and Mercy Amen amen

Herbert Katundu

Aug 8, 2023

I pray that the Lord forgives them all for they do not know what they did

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