Unlimited: Unbelievable

Apr 27, 2023 777

Unlimited: Unbelievable

For Isaiah says, “Lord, who has believed our message?” (Romans 10:16b).

Salvation through our own works would be believable, if it were only possible. We all can agree that we should get what we deserve. But the message of salvation through the grace of God alone is entirely unbelievable to the carnal mind. It is, indeed, a divine miracle.

For many generations, Israel had waited for the promised Saviour. Although he was revealed to them through prophetic symbols, types, and temple rituals, no one could have imagined how all of these would be fulfilled. It was unbelievable that the Lamb of God would be God himself. Only when it happened did they begin to understand.

Isaiah was a Gospel prophet. He foreshadowed the coming, atoning death, and victory of the Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ.

The message of salvation through the grace of God alone is entirely unbelievable to the carnal mind.

Here, the apostle Paul is quoting from the first verse of Isaiah 53, a prophecy which described the coming Saviour as being “despised and rejected,” and bearing our suffering and pain for the sake of our peace. By his wounds we would be healed, because the Lord would lay upon him the iniquity of us all. By bearing their iniquities, he would justify many.

This was completely unbelievable for those who sought an earthly Saviour who would establish an earthly kingdom and give them earthly blessings. It remains so for those who think this way today.

Spiritual Application

In what ways does the Gospel continue to surprise you? In what ways is it unbelievable to the carnal mind? Take some time apart by yourself and reflect on this, and praise God for it.

Eliezer Gonzalez

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